bash clear screen

I am unable to use clear or cls command on bash shell. I have recently installed Cygwin and am using that for practicing unix commands. I see that I can use Ctrl + L to clear the screen. I created an alias in my .bashrc to do the same as alias cls='^L

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  • 2017年2月20日 - If someone is looking to actually clear the screen (not just scroll down) in...
    "clear" broken on Windows when using with Git BASH · Issue #1559 ...
  • I am unable to use clear or cls command on bash shell. I have recently installed Cygwin an...
    Clear Screen Command for BASH Shell - ...
  • I am unable to use clear or cls command on bash shell. I have recently installed Cygwin an...
    Clear Screen Command for BASH shell | Unix Linux Forums | ...
  • Clear screen from bash Linux Add comments 十月 19 2015 Source: cygwin clearscreen from bash ...
    Clear screen from bash – 煎炸熊の記事本
  • 2017年4月25日 - When you're typing a lot in a terminal and want to clear the screen ... ...
    Clear! (clear your terminal screen) |
  • When you're typing a lot in a terminal and want to clear the screen quickly, you can d...
    Clear! (clear your terminal screen) | ...
  • Yes, the command you're looking for is reset In contrast to clear, or Ctrl+L, reset wi...
    command line - How to really clear the terminal? - Ask ...
  • 2011年2月6日 - That means that bash's state is the same as before, just as if you were ....
    command line - How to really clear the terminal? - Ask Ubuntu
  • When you need to clear your screen, just issue proper command in your shell. cmd, bash, Po...
    ConEmu | Clear Screen
  • Using shortcuts (for mitty console users) Alt+F8 to clear screen and Ctrl-L to skip page U...
    cygwin clearscreen from bash - Stack Overflow
  • 2011年7月26日 - If you pipe the output to less , then not only will it clear the screen and ...
    How do I clear my bash screen while maintaining scrollback? - Super ...
  • 2011年3月20日 - Use the following command to do a clear screen instead of merely ... printf ...
    linux - Clear a terminal screen for real - Stack Overflow
  • Linux clear command help and information with clear examples, syntax, related commands and...
    Linux clear command help and examples - Computer Hope
  • Another way of clearing the screen if you are using termcap/terminfo is to use the "t...
    RE: How to clear the screen with bash ? - Cygwin ...
  • How do you clear the entire terminal in BASH, like the command prompt's cls command? c...
    terminal - "CLS" Equivalent in BASH? - Stack Overf ...
  • 2011年6月16日 - The scroll-back buffer is not a feature of bash but of the terminal program....
    terminal - "CLS" Equivalent in BASH? - Stack Overflow
  • I have been using the command: reset to clear my terminal. Although I am pretty sure this ...
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    version control - Command to clear the Git Bash screen - Stack Overflow